Words count in article:
2.6k words
|Reading time ≈
16 minutes
BackgroundCUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA. It enables developers
Words count in article:
914 words
|Reading time ≈
3 minutes
Server Monitoring Scripts最近在帮组里维护服务器,写了几个简单的脚本,很久没更新了,顺便记录一下。服务器监控最重要的就是CPU, RAM和Disk。RAM达到100%的时候会导致服务器死机,重启,等一系列问题。所以为了防止服务器出现这种问题,我们需要做的就是在RAM使用率达到
Words count in article:
2.3k words
|Reading time ≈
14 minutes
Flink GellyGelly is Flink’s Graph API. It contains a set of methods and utilities designed to simplify the development of graph analysis applications
Words count in article:
1.5k words
|Reading time ≈
6 minutes
Flask API给大家分享一下flask api 和 Flask-RESTful API 的两种不同用法。。首先API只会返回json的类型,不会返回HTML。API一般适用于前后端分离的情况。Flask API的实现方式有两种。第一种就是不用flask_restplus。第二种是用flask_
Words count in article:
809 words
|Reading time ≈
5 minutes
COMP9311 extensionThis is an extension knowledge about COMP9311
Auto deploy PostgreSQLYou can find the shell script here. You can execute the followin
Words count in article:
540 words
|Reading time ≈
3 minutes
EntropyEntropy can be used as a measure of uncertainty in information theory.
Entropy H(Y) of a random Y with n different possible values:$$H(Y) =-\su